August 21, 2004

Update on the Germanspellingreformoppositionmovement

A little while ago, we had a flurry of posts on the German spelling reform (here, here, here, here), and Chris Waigl at serendipity followed up, and Trevor at kaleboel found satirical and politico-theoretical blues-historical angles [and this earlier post is also relevant, now that I'm correcting links 12/20/2005], and BebaManno mentioned it at Taccuino di traduzione, David Mortensen discussed it at It's Ablaut Time, Language Hat weighed in briefly, and Scott Martens wrote extensively about it at afoe and at Pedantry, and someone at Waffle commented on Scott's posts, and Des von Bladet deepened the cultural context by quoting a comment on the 1906 Swedish spelling reform, adding ominously "Ask me about Norwegish spelling reforms some dull and rainy decade, just ask".

Posted by Mark Liberman at August 21, 2004 11:38 AM