Ducky identity
When is a duck a dog? When it's one of the chimeric
Rubber Duckies on the Oriental Trading Company site:

(There are also Cat Rubber Duckies in the catalogue, but they're not
at the moment available on-line.)
Elizabeth Daingerfield Zwicky, who sent me this link, suggests that we
see here an extension of the word
Certainly, the expression
duck(y) is even less semantically transparent here than in
ordinary usage.
And then there's a spelling issue:
duckys or
But first, the identity issue: are these things (simulacra of) dogs,
with the shape of ducks, or are they (simulacra of) ducks that look
like dogs? Or both? The OTC site has it both ways:
Dog Rubber Duckies. No bones about it,
these vinyl duckies resemble
playful puppies! A thoughtful gift for any dog lover, each adorable
hound wears a colorful collar.
OTC's claim -- not that anyone thought these things through -- seems to
be that they are duckies that
RESEMBLE puppies, and
they also
ARE (adorable) hounds (in the generic 'dog'
sense of
I'd say that they are
dog rubber
duckies 'rubber duckies that are dogs', and they are
duckies only by virtue of having
the overall shape of ducks, not by being (simulacra of) ducks.
This is one step beyond the usual
which are clearly simulacra of ducks, though sometimes in non-duck
With this in mind, consider the four other types of rubber duckies
illustrated on the site:
Unicorn Rubber Duckys
Fairy Tale Rubber Duckys
Ninja Rubber Duckies
Devil Rubber Duckys
(Notice the variation in the spelling of the plural. I'll get to
this later.)
You could argue that these are duckies dressed up as unicorns, fairy
tale characters, ninjas, and devils, respectively -- duckies in
costumes. That is, they could be seen as
X rubber duckies 'rubber duckies
that are Xs', where
being X
is understood as an accidental rather than essential property; they're
things that are, in their essence, duck-simulacra, though they are Xs
for the moment, in the same way that my granddaughter was a lion last
Halloween. I just can't take that view of the dog rubber duckies
above; they are way too doggy.
To sum up: the expression
duck(ie) is, in its ordinary use, not fully transparent
denotes not actual ducks, but merely duck-simulacra. The
expression is then available as the second element in a larger
noun-noun compound
X rubber duck(ie),
where X denotes an accidental identity of the rubber duckie ('a rubber
duck(ie) that is an X for the moment'). However, the
duck(ie) in
rubber duck(ie) can be extended to
cover things that are imperfect even as duck-simulacra, in that they
merely have the overall shape of a (conventional representation of a)
duck. Then
X rubber duck(ie)
can denote things that are essentially X-like rather than just
accidentally X-like.
In fact,
rubber duck(ie) is
somewhat opaque semantically in both of its parts. As the
Wikipedia page -- yes, there's a
rubber duck
Wikipedia page -- says, a rubber duck(ie)
... is
made of rubber or rubber-like material such as vinyl plastic.
Almost all modern rubber ducks are made out of vinyl plastic rather
than rubber.
And if you go back and look at the OTC's description of its dog rubber
duckies, you'll see that they're referred to as "vinyl duckies",
duckies made of vinyl. They are, in fact, vinyl rubber duckies,
rubber duckie treated as
a fixed expression that just happens to contain the word
rubber, but with
vinyl understood literally.
Sort of like plastic glasses.
The Wikipedia page also recognizes variability in the world of rubber
Rubber ducks can be found in various
colors, sizes, shapes, and outfits.
[Caption for an illustration] Some variations on the standard rubber
duck. Clockwise from left: a
miniature rubber duck, a purple devil rubber duck, a rubber duck
dressed as a reindeer for Christmas, a rubber duck in sunglasses, and a
black "dead" rubber duck that floats upside down
[Addendum: Mae Sander points out a hilarious
CelebriDucks site, with all sorts of rubber duckies that have the barest resemblance to ducks: "collectible celebrity rubber ducks of the greatest icons of film, music, history, and athletics."]
Finally, the Wikipedia page tackles the spelling question:
The rubber duck can be referred to
informally as a rubber duckie
or a rubber ducky.
Amongst collectors of
rubber ducks, the spelling rubber
duckie has achieved prominence, but both spellings are
considered acceptable.
(I'm impressed by the serious tone of the rubber duck Wikipedia page in
general, but this passage is especially wonderful.)
In some places, you can see what looks like free variation in
spelling. On
one site
that gives the words and music to the
Street song -- warning: if you go there, the music starts
playing right away -- the title is "Rubber Duckie", but the lyrics have
"Rubber Ducky" throughout. (The song was written by Jeff Moss,
who was at Princeton with me and went on to be the founding head writer
and composer-lyricist on the show, a job he absolutely adored.
Unfortunately, Jeff died in 1998, so I can't go and ask him which
spelling he preferred.)
That's not the end of the spelling issue, though. Recall that the
OTC site has both
duckies and
duckys. The first of
these could be either the plural of
with plural
-s, or the plural
ducky, with final
-y (following a consonant)
pluralized as
-ies. The
second has to be the plural of
with suppression of the usual convention for spelling the plural of a
noun in
-y (following a
consonant). Why would that happen?
Let's look at a place where this convention is (sometimes) suspended:
in the plurals of proper names. There's only one Germany now, but
there used to be two of them. So you're going to write: "There
used to be two ___." What fills in the blank? There are
three answers, all attested:
(1) Germanies
(2) Germanys
(3) Germany's
Answer (1) follows the usual spelling convention. It is
well-formed according to usual
spelling conventions for English.
Answers (2) and (3) preserve the name
They are
faithful to the
original. (I'm borrowing the terminology of well-formedness vs.
faithfulness from Optimality Theory, of course. I've discussed
some other conflicts between well-formedness and faithfulness here
and hope to eventually post a good deal more on the topic; these
conflicts arise all over the place. Please note that the terms
are not themselves value judgments; they merely label two values -- two
things that are both good to have -- that are often in conflict with
one another.)
Version (2) reverts to the default spelling rule for plurals in
English, "add
-s", but has
the disadvantage that the result doesn't
plural, because of the final
(following a consonant). Version (3) is an attempt to set off the
plural element visually, with an apostrophe, as in plurals like
q's (as the plural of
q). Its disadvantage is that
the apostrophe looks like a spurious "greengrocer's apostrophe" (
apple's for sale) -- a drawback
that makes it by far the least frequent variant. Versions (1) and
(2) occur with roughly equal frequency, in raw Google webhits.
A couple of years ago, this very question arose in the newsgroup
sci.lang, where a heated argument sprung up over whether the
well-formed (1) or the faithful (2) was the "correct" plural.
Now, conflicts between well-formedness and faithfulness are sometimes
resolved in favor of well-formedness, sometimes resolved in favor of
faithfulness, and sometimes result in variation, between individuals or
within individuals. It appears that there is considerable
between-individuals variation on
Germanys, and I suspect
that there is also significant within-individuals variation for
pluralization of proper names in general, with different treatments for
different names (nobody's going to pluralize
Mary as
Maries, even people who
consistently pluralize
Germanies). I'm
lenient about
Germanies, but
adamant that the plural of my family name is
Zwickys, not
Zwickies; a plural
Zwickys is unambiguously the plural
Zwicky, while a plural
Zwickies is ambiguous between that
and the plural of
(which is also an attested family name).
Which brings us back to the rubber duckies (or duckys). The OTC
site seems to be treating
ducky as a kind of proper name (for the type
Rubber Ducky, I suppose) and then
varying between the two treatments of the plural, the well-formed
duckies or the faithful
duckys; or it's varying between
duckie and
ducky, and consistently using the
duckys for the
latter. Either way, faithfulness enters into it.
zwicky at-sign csli period stanford period edu
Posted by Arnold Zwicky at April 9, 2007 03:36 PM