It is possible to construct raw English text that has a justified right margin without employing any of the space padding that is used by old formatting programs like nroff that were designed to fake right justified text using daisy-wheel printers and fixed-width fonts reminiscent of typewriters. To show that it is not a problem to do this, I offer this example (and if your browser doesn't show this as right-justified, you are using an insane font setting -- your fixed-width font default must be a non-fixed-width font or something). As Mark Liberman has pointed out in connection with a message I recently sent him that had this property, a problem in recreational computer science is suggested by the possibility of right-justified raw text: write a program that takes raw text paragraphs as input and produces right-justified versions of them, respecting certain tolerances and line-length preferences, using transformations that preserve rough synonymy, varying optional punctuation and substituting synonymous word sequences as necessary but never adding extra spaces.Posted by Geoffrey K. Pullum at November 20, 2003 03:01 PM