July 02, 2004

Two comments on six keys

I can't wait to learn what the other 101 key ideas of 20th-century linguistics are. Meanwhile, I have two small comments on the six personalized ideas that Arnold Zwicky just told us about.

First, the most recent piece of "key" work by any of the cited figures was Grice's 1967 Harvard lectures. So really, it's "six key men of the first 2/3 of the 20th century". Do the comparable lists for astronomy, mathematics, biology, psychology etc. end so early?

Second, I have to quote the Lila Gleitman t-shirt joke again:

[on the front] H(enry). Gleitman: Most great scientists are not great men.
[on the back] L(ila). Gleitman: Yeah. For instance, I'm not a great man.


Posted by Mark Liberman at July 2, 2004 06:02 PM

Pardon my outrage, but bloody Swasher got on the list? What about Jespersen?

Posted by: Ray Girvan at July 2, 2004 09:15 PM

Wouldn't The Minimalist Program count as key work? And Chomsky's recent essays on the philosophy of language seem pretty good too.

I've posted a response to Zwicky's original post on the new relevance theory blog, Meaning and Thinking. Clicking on my name below should take you there.

Posted by: Nicholas Allott at July 3, 2004 03:05 PM

Has anyone responded to Mark Liberman's lengthy note on voice stress and micro-tremors? I have an interest in this and would be interested to speak to Mark.

Can he email his contact details to me:


Posted by: Mike Boon at July 19, 2004 11:52 AM