Ron Rosenbaum is an accomplished journalist who recently debunked Elizabeth Kübler-Ross in an obituary at Slate. Gutsy stuff, since she's become
"a saintly icon, the Queen of Death", as Rosenbaum puts it. And, as he explains, she's not dead.
But he should be more worried about his blurb at the Harry Walker Agency ("America's Leading Exclusive Lecture Agency"):
His latest bestseller, Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil, has won critical acclaim for it's candid analyses of how we explain Hitler through literature and film.
According to her website , Lynne Truss isn't lecturing in the U.S. again until November. But Ron, if you see an intense-looking blonde coming towards you with a taser in one hand and a cleaver in the other, you might not want to stick around for the interview.
Posted by Mark Liberman at September 28, 2004 08:51 AM