But how can you buy or sell a literary invention?
The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the
freshness of the text and the sparkle of its words, how can you buy
Richard "free software" Stallman has
article in the Guardian describing the dangers of a current
move in Europe on extensions of patent law in the software domain.
He has a cute take on how to make the issues more comprehensible even
to those with skulls as thick as a Euro-politicians - an analogy
with literary copyright law. Hugo's
Misérables, he argues, would not have been publishable if
anyone had
patented the following:
Claim 1: a communication process
that represents, in the mind of a
reader, the concept of a character who has been in jail for a long time
and becomes bitter towards society and humankind.
Claim 2: a communication process according to claim 1, wherein said
character subsequently finds moral redemption through the kindness of
Claim 3: a communication process according to claims 1 and 2, wherein
said character changes his name during the story. |
I gather that Stallman chooses Hugo as his example because it was Hugo
who was one of the earliest advocates of patent law, proposing an
extension of already extant copyright law to other domains - see
this piece on
Hugo by Geoffrey Barto. Stallman also suggests some even more general
potential literary patents:
Communication process structured
with narration that continues through many pages.
A narration structure sometimes resembling a fugue or improvisation.
Intrigue articulated around the confrontation of specific characters,
each in turn setting traps for the others.
I'm not able to say whether the literary patent analogy is apt
for current extensions of Euro patent law into the software domain, but
the concept of a literary patent is fun. I'm reminded of
discussion of a real literary patent involving 68 claims:
fortunately it protects a device which would do nothing whatsoever to
enrich our language or literature.
I wonder what literary patents would cover this blog entry? A general
patent on the quoting or paraphrasing of others would do the trick. My
title and teaser, of course, paraphrase words standardly
mis-attributed to
Chief Seattle. Now there's a patentable idea: mis-attribution. If I
could earn a cent for every published mis-attribution, I'd soon be able
to build myself a penthouse on top of the Liberman suite in Language
Log Plaza's Infinity Tower, so my address would be

+ 1. And when I'm at the literary
patent office, I'm
gonna take out a patent on one of the most popular literary devices in
academia: plagiarism. Yeah, there may be prior art, but who is going to own up to it? Soon, I will plagiarize freely and legally, while everybody else will have to ask my permission.
Posted by David Beaver at June 21, 2005 02:49 PM