Who will write Billy Bymun's story?
For a long time, my spam mailbox has been crowded with messages to one
Billy Bymun, sometimes addressed just as Billy (but we always know
which Billy is intended). BB, as I like to think of him, seems to
be in the market for new and refinanced mortgages, student loans, and
elegant gifts at good prices. As far as I can tell, BB has not
been offered erection drugs, penis enlargment, Russian women, Nigerian
fund transfers, stock tips, or even bargain software. From the
e-mail evidence, he's focused on housing and education, needs no spurs
to his sex life, and avoids risky investments. A solid sort of
fellow, though with a taste for high-end watches.
But there are no Google webhits at all for "Billy Bymun" (there are
people named "Billy Bynum", though). He is a man of utter
mystery, despite the fact that millions of us see his name every
day. I've heard rumors that BB is the son of Betty Crocker, which
would be delicious, but we just don't know.
Who will write Billy Bymun's story? Could J. D. Salinger be
persuaded to explore the history and psyche of this famous but
extraordinarily private man?
zwicky at-sign csli period stanford period edu
Posted by Arnold Zwicky at December 12, 2006 10:19 AM