More adolescent vocabulary
Popular treatments of teenage language usually assert simultaneously
that adolescent vocabulary is desperately impoverished -- girls use
like as almost every third word in
their sentences, guys communicate entirely through exchanges of the
dude -- and that
teenagers have "a language of their own", packed with vast numbers of
vocabulary items that make their speech incomprehensible to
outsiders. I'm more entertained by critiques of the second type,
because they're at least based on some shreds of fact (though they
still treat perceived features of teenage speech as
in this case a failure to be clear, rather than mere
differences). Today's
cartoon (drawn by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman) includes a catalog of
for types of behavior that a high school judges to be unacceptable at a
school dance, including a fair number that most readers will find
uninterpretable in this context:

It's a long list of V-
nominalizations. Some of them I recognize as naming activities
that would count as lewd at a school dance: grinding, bumping, licking,
booty dancing, fondling. Some name activities that a school might
view as inappropriately aggressive or dangerous: moshing, shoving,
rolling, kicking. Some of them I have interpretations for, but
not ones that would be relevant to school dances: mashing, sledging,
wallowing, freaking, pronking, knurling. One is totally new to
me, and a Google search yields nothing useful: squeaning.
I know, you're saying that some of this is just made up, and some of it
is teen slang imported from other contexts into this one, and no doubt
you're right. I'm especially suspicious of "squeaning" and
"whole- or half-body knurling". Possibly kids these days are
inclined to leap and bound like antelopes while dancing -- I'm familiar
with pogoing (which has its own
wikipedia page!),
after all -- and they call this, quite appropriately, "pronking", but I
wonder, I wonder. I also wonder about mashing, sledging,
wallowing, and freaking.
My scorecard: of the 16 words, 5 I recognize as referring to lewd
behavior and 4 to other behavior inappropriate for a school dance,
while I have doubts about the other 7 (almost half the list).
Of course, the point of the list is to provide a lot of stuff that
readers will find incomprehensible in this context -- the message is
that teens use lots of words we don't understand -- but this is done
not by using actual teen slang, but to a large part by listing words of
the sort that teenagers
MIGHT use. That way the
list is mostly incomprehensible to
EVERYONE who reads
it, even those who know something about teen talk. The message is
that the way teenagers talk is not only impenetrable, but hopelessly
zwicky at-sign csli period stanford period edu
Posted by Arnold Zwicky at December 17, 2006 02:11 PM