Doomed by poor spelling and rampant racism etc.
Stanford Daily columnist Nat
Hilliard writes today, in a column entitled "Good riddance" (p. 4),
about the government of Pakistan's blocking access within the country
to, which Hilliard characterizes as a "horrible, horrible
Web site", indeed "our society's worst cultural creation since". Harsh words. Hilliard goes on to see
the site as a threat to our very language:
... if the comments below the videos
are any indication, the English language itself is doomed. The
poor spelling and the rampant racism, sexism, anti-semitism and penis
references are enough to make any first grade English teacher weep.
Poor English! Not only is it threatened by creeping bad grammar,
unfortunate word choices, and poor spelling and punctuation, but now
it's doomed by being used to express distasteful social
attitudes. English teachers are weeping openly. What's a language to do?
Ah, Hilliard has sounded the alarm too late.

(Photo passed on a long time ago by Geoff Nunberg and archived for use
on this sad occasion.)
Posted by Arnold Zwicky at February 29, 2008 04:33 PM