Reading the ampersand comics!
Where did the dog Satchel learn to swear by
curseword characters (a.k.a. obscenicons)? In today's
Get Fuzzy, Satchel explains:

Two pieces of mail on obscenicons, prompted by yesterday's posting.
First, from Gavin MacDonald
I live in Japan, and I recently watched
a load of Heroes episodes (it's a popular drama from the US), not only
partly because I was interested in how the Japanese characters were
being portrayed in this so popular TV drama. One of the catch phrases
the main Japanese character [named Hiro -- AMZ] uses is 大ピンチ
dai-pinchi (comes from English "to be in a pinch"), which to him at
least is an interjection of the "oh crap" sort. As you would expect, it
is translated variously as "I knew this was a bad idea..." and
whatever fits into the surrounding English dialog nicely, but at
one point ... he's running away from some samurai and the subtitles
showed something like @#$%!, obviously hoping to give English viewers
the impression that he swore. On Japanese television, gobbledy-gook
characters like that usually imply... gobbledy-gook, language that
can't be understood because someone's mouth is full or they're talking
too fast. It took me few seconds to calibrate myself because to me it
was perfectly clear what he had said, and I couldn't figure out how the
English editors would know about Japanese style subtitles... yeah so
that's it. Just a little malfunction in the code-switching area of my
The first point here is that the use of these punctuation marks as
obscenicons is a
CONVENTION, however natural it might
seem to many people. In other places and at other times, the
characters might have no function beyond their conventional uses as
punctuation marks (whatever these are in those contexts), or they might
have a quite different subsidiary function, as is apparently the case
on Japanese television these days.
It's an interesting question when and in what context these conventions
for the use of punctuation marks (as obscenicons in writing in English,
as "unclaricons" on Japanese television) arose. The history of
the non-punctuational obscenicons in comics is also interesting.
I know nothing about these topics and probably won't take up
researching them -- my plate is already overfull -- but the history of
cultural practices is almost always worth investigating.
[A side matter: the choice of punctuation marks that have been pressed
into service as obscenicons. Little punctuation marks (the
period, comma, apostrophe, single quote, double quote, hyphen, etc.)
are presumably unsuitable because they're too puny to convey strong
emotion, and delimiters (parens ( ), (square) brackets [ ], (curly)
braces { }, angle brackets < >, slash /, backslash \, pipe |) are
presumably unsuitable because their delimiting function is so prominent
and they otherwise lack meaning. On the other hand, the
exclamation point ! and question mark ? are especially
because of the meanings they can convey. Plus the asterisk *,
because it's used in taboo avoidance and to call attention to
material. That leaves @ # $ % &
+ =. I have at the moment no obscenicon uses of =, but + does
occur, as in this rendition (in a discussion of swearing by comic book
characters) of "Fuck this shit":
#?&+ this $#!+, says the Bendis
Board. (
Addendum 3/22/08: Several people have written to point out that $#!+ is surely a recoding of SHIT using punctuation marks to stand for visually similar letters. So + is probably marginal at best as an obscenicon.]
In any case, ! ? * @ # $ % & seem to be the characters most
commonly used in
the U.S. (I suppose £ and € get some play
outside the U.S.) At the moment I have no idea about why = is out
of the game.]
MacDonald's note brings up another topic I know almost nothing about,
namely the taxonomy of unclarities and incomprehensibilities in
language. Ordinary English has the words
gobbledygook (variously spelled)
gibberish, each with
several (partially overlapping) meanings -- see the Wikipedia entries
here and
here -- but no word
specifically for material that is unclear or incomprehensible on
phonetic grounds (because of mumbling, softness of speech, speed of
speech, drunkenness, food
in the mouth, etc.), and we have no conventions for representing such
material in writing, that is, no unclaricons.
Misplaced obscenicon.
Then, from Robert Hay, a note about the website,
"dedicated to picking apart and ridiculing bad sports journalism",
last year on a bizarrely misplaced obscenicon:
Reader Lazarus sends us to's
Power Rankings, where we find this gem:
Joe Torre met with George Steinbrenner
for a nice lunch in Tampa the other day, and I'm sure at some point the
subject probably turned to the Yankees. And George, I'd bet, at some
point looked at his manager and said, "#$!&@* the heck?"
I assume they meant to write: "What the #$!&@*?" But they didn't.
They wrote "#$!&@* the heck?"
Or, presumably: "Fuck the heck?"
Hay adds that
"Fuck the heck" has since become a
regularly used expression of confusion on the site.
Posted by Arnold Zwicky at March 21, 2008 01:06 PM