April 24, 2007

They call it stormy Lundi

Among the funniest responses to the results of last weekend's French presidential election, this clever snowclone -- or perhaps we should say, o-clone -- comes from the cartoonist Barrigue, published by Le Matin in Lausanne:

Fabio Montermini, who sent in the link as a follow-up to my earlier post about "Political hypocoristics" (4/18/2007), explains that the expression "Métro, boulot, dodo", meaning "subway, work, sleep", is a common way for Parisians to express the tediousness of modern urban life. Presumably, "Métro Sarko Ségo" is a way of expressing disappointment that the centrist François Bayrou didn't make it to the second round; in any case, it frames the run-off as political same-old same-old, unimpressed by the fact that the winner this time will be the first French president born after WWII, etc., etc.

The response "Comme un lundi" means "Like a (typical) Monday".

Posted by Mark Liberman at April 24, 2007 08:45 AM