New developments on the brokeback front
It's been ten whole months since we reported
on references to the movie Brokeback
Mountain, mostly in uses of the word brokeback. Now comes a very
indirect reference to the male-male sex in the movie, from Dave Barry
in a column "2006 Year in Review", talking about former Congressman
Mark Foley.
I caught it in the Funny Times
for February 2007, where on p. 5 Barry has two references to Foley:
[in the September entry] Speaking
of vegetables, the United States Congress is rocked by yet another
scandal with publication of e-mails and instant messages sent to male
pages by Congressman Mark Foley of Florida, in which he explicitly
discusses acts of a sheepherding nature.
[in the October entry] North Korea conducts an underground
nuclear test, which is especially troubling because the ground in
question is located in Wyoming. This goes virtually unnoticed in
Washington, where everybody continues to be obsessed with the growing
[Barry could have said "mounting" here, but perhaps he thought that
would be too heavy-handed] body of instant messages generated by Mark
Foley, who, despite his busy schedule as a lawmaker, apparently found
time to attempt to become sheepherding buddies with pretty much every
young male in North America.
In case you're one of the few people in the Western world who somehow
missed the fuss over the movie in 2005-06, Barry is alluding here to
the fact that Jack and Ennis's man-on-man relationship begins while
they are
herding sheep (on Brokeback Mountain). If you don't know this,
then Barry's use of
will be puzzling, though you can guess its meaning from the context.
brokeback itself
has followed a predictable path, from uses that allude to various
aspects of the movie's plot to simply 'gay, homosexual', then to 'of
questionable masculinity', and, inevitably, to a generic put-down
uncool, stupid, worthless, messed up' -- that is,
gay in its more recent usage, as on
the t-shirt in
this photo:

(also available, from several sources, as a bumper sticker)
and in the title of this cartoon:

Entertainingly, some of the definitions for
brokeback in the
Urban Dictionary (at the moment, there are 36) gloss it via
gay, either
its generic put-down sense or in
BOTH this sense and
the older 'homosexual' sense from which the newer sense developed.
Queerty site where you can find a photo showing more of the t-shirt
guy (and the escalator he's sitting on), there's a sentence with two
features of interest to us here at Language Log Plaza:
Every queen and their mother has been
emailing us asking how one can purchase the [t-shirt above].
First, there's the "singular
their mother, with
their referring back to the
every queen), a
phenomenon we talk about at LLP every so often (most recently
with more detail and back-references
One of the reasons people go for singular
they is for mixed-sex reference,
thus avoiding unpalatable alternatives, but in this case the reference
is to males only, so
every queen and
his mother would have been fine. I suspect that the writer
is just one of those people who use singular
they very generally, not only as an
avoidance tactic.
Then there's the singular verb agreement (
has been emailing us), though the
subject is conjoined and would therefore be expected to take plural
agreement. But plural agreement is just awful: ??
Every queen and his/their mother have been
emailing us. The
his/their mother part seems to be functioning as a kind of
parenthetical, as in
every queen,
and his mother too, in which case the singular
every queen gets to determine verb
agreement. It seems to me that when the conjuncts are of equal
prominence, singular agreement is impossible (*
Every boy and his dog goes on long walks
together), though plural agreement is not entirely comfortable
for me either (?
Every boy and his dog
go for long walks together); I'd prefer to avoid the
coordination (
Every boy goes for long
walks together with his dog). No doubt someone has looked
at this quirk in agreement, but I don't recall having noticed it before. (I see that I started with sheepherder sex and ended up with a puzzle in subject-verb agreement -- so like a linguist!)
zwicky at-sign csli period stanford period edu<
Posted by Arnold Zwicky at February 11, 2007 01:06 PM