Mark Liberman has pulled up
item from his to-blog list which coincides with an item on
to-blog list, about "translations" of music videos in one language into
another language, adhering fairly closely to the sound of the original,
while sacrificing the sense entirely. As Ben Ostrowsky noted in
mail to Mark, these videos represent a resurgence of an old form of
language play; he cited the 1967 book
D'Heures: Gousses, Rames, which provides a number of Mother
Goose rhymes in English "translated" into French.
A little while ago, Laura Kalin wrote me about what's presented as a
"phonetic transliteration of a Dutch kiddies song" entitled "
Fart in the duck"
(already you know it's a joke), which Mark also mentioned in his
posting. She and I wondered what such things should be
called. Ben Ostrowsky suggested
du mondegreens", and Mark used "cross-linguistic mondegreens" in his
posting. The connection to mondegreens strikes me as not quite
right, and it turns out that there two phenomena other than mondegreens
that are very similar to these cross-language re-workings of texts.
What's going on in these re-workings is the deliberate substitution of
words in one language for phonetically similar words in some text in
another language. It's a kind of word-by-word
(based on sound rather than meaning), not transliteration. There
are large-scale translations, like the English-to-French wonders in
Mot D'Heures: Gousses, Rames, and
small-scale ones, like the German-to-English "donkey fieldmouse" for
"danke vielmals". They differ from mondegreens in that the
classic mondegreens
("Excuse me while I kiss this guy") are accidental mishearings, and
these translations are deliberate plays on words. (They also
differ from mondegreens in that they cross languages, but that
difference is recognized in the labels "autour du mondegreens" and
"cross-linguistic mondegreens".)
Not surprisingly, people have wondered about such things before.
There was a Linguist List discussion back in 1999 (
10/13/99 by Anatol Stefanowitsch) on "bilingual puns", taken to extend
to phenomena like these. But they're not much as puns; good puns
evoke two different interpretations, and there are bilingual puns that
do this. From the
Wikipedia page:
Q: Did Herr Beethoven write ten
A: Nein.
The duck-fart type, in contrast, is fine in the original language, but
just nonsense (though often suggestive nonsense) in the recipient
Then there's literature on "homophonic translation"
a language; see Heidi Harley's Language Log
"O grammar, water bag noise!" on things like "Ladle Rat Rotten Hut"
(for "Little Red Riding Hood", in case you missed Heidi's
posting). (You could quibble about "homophonic" in this label,
since almost all the substituted words are not identical in sound to
the originals, but merely similar. But of course, substituting
true homophones wouldn't work, since the translation would then be
identical to the original; there would be no joke at all.)
What we have in the duck-fart
examples is a combo of real bilingual puns with (monolingual)
homophonic translations: bilingual homophonic translations. Ok,
that's a really good label in some ways, but it's long and clunky and
hard to love. BHTs? Or a label like "mondegreens" and
"eggcorns": duck farts, donkey fieldmice, donkey fieldmouses, ...?
Posted by Arnold Zwicky at November 11, 2007 11:35 AM